The opposite of literary is literal. Literary which relates to writers or profession of writing has its own recipes which are called the literary device; close to five hundred literary devices exist for the sole reason of beautifying any work of literature or literary act. The phrase “literary device” is used interchangeably with other phrases like poetic device, literary term, figure of speech, etc.
Few of the common literary devices are simile, metaphor, personification, repetition, refrain, assonance, consonance, theme, diction, metonym, pun, alliteration, euphemism, dysphemism, canto, paradox, zeugma, and many more.
(1) THEME:
The term here relates literature. In computer programming, a theme relates to the style and color of a certain program. In literature, the theme is therefore the main idea that a writer presents in a literary work; the recurring idea or motif within a literary work. Example is the Theme Of Beauty in Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare.
This is a literary device in which a word, most especially an adjective or verb, applies to two other (nouns) in
different senses e.g. Police and his cap poked into the passenger’s car.
There are various forms of zeugma; according to Wikipedia article which are diazeugma, hypozeugma, prozeugma, etc.
(3) IRONY:
Irony is synonymous to sarcasm.
It is a literary statement that actually mean something different from what is literally written for the purpose of creating humorous or emphatic effect. It is an irony to say that the armed robbers raided the police station.
- literature: The Oral And The Written
- 17 “P”s Of Literature
- Introduction To This Blog
(1) Literary device beautifies language.
(2) Literary device helps in the making of an author or playwright.
(3) Literary device separates the literate from illiterate.
(4) If understood, literary device brings ease of language read.
(1) Literary appreciation is taught in college and secondary school as to develop skills in literature that lead to independent assessment of prose, drama and poetry by introducing the students to various forms of prose, drama and poetry.
(2) Literary appreciation is taught in college and secondary schools as to develop the students’ critical sensitivity to literature by introducing them to the techniques of decoding literary works.
(3) Literary appreciation is taught in college and secondary schools to develop skills in literature that lead to independent assessment of prose, drama and poetry by teaching the students to discover the significance of works literary contexts.
(4) Literary appreciation is taught in college and secondary schools as to develop skills in literature that lead to independent assessment of prose, drama and poetry by teaching the special syntax of poetry.
(5) Literary appreciation is taught in college and secondary schools as to develop skills in literature that lead to independent assessment of prose, drama and poetry by identifying figures of speech and other literary devices and terms and their effectiveness in a given text.
(6) Literary appreciation is taught in college and secondary schools as to develop skills in literature that lead to independent assessment of prose, drama and poetry by identifying the effect of mood and tone in a literary context.