Examines Wara’s role in the development of the plot. (WAEC MAY/JUNE 2017 QUESTION AND ANSWER)
In every tragic drama, there are rivalry, revenge or avenge, greed and tragic flaw. One of the ways Dele Charley successfully knitted events to a well designed ending, is via the roles played by Wara.
Dele Charley is a Sierra Leonean author who lived between 1948 and 1993. His book, The Blood of a Stranger, is an African drama about cultural abuse and corrupt acts of the colonialists.
With well arranged plot, the message of Dele Charley in the drama was delivered to the readers. “No plot, no drama” even a layman knows that the general course of a story not excluding significant events is referred to as a plot.
Everyday for the thief, one red letter day for the owner; the author realized that the only way Whitehead and his corrupt team in Mandoland could meet their dead-end was to play into the wrath of Kindo who happened to be their major enemy by tampering with what he cherished the most, Wara.
Wara is one of the very relevant characters in the drama. She is the sole lover of Kindo, the head warrior and prince of Mando. She is modest and has regards for the custom and culture of Mando and her escape from Whitehead began the downfall of Whitehead and his evil cohorts.