Past Question for Literature in English 2011 WAEC


(NOTE:- All Underlined Options  Are Correct Answer To Each Question)
1. The protagonist is the A. author. B. villain. C hero. D. speaker.
2. As chapter is to prose, so is to poetry. A. couplet B’ stanza C. line D. chorus
3. Verbal irony occurs when a speaker on stage A’ says the opposite of what the speaker means. B. is misunderstood. C. tries to deceive the audience. D. is alone.
4.. A humorous scene in a play intended to ease tension is A. climax. B. tragi-comedy: comedy. D comic relief.
5. A dead metaphor is one that is A. overused and ineffective. B. extended in men C. implied. D. mixed.
6. ‘My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep” is an example of a. hyperbole. B. litotes.
C. euphemism. D. paradox.
7. Through the trees I’ll hear a single ringing sound, a cowbell jingle. The underlined illustrate rhyme.
A.’ end B. decasyllabic C. internal D. dimeter
8. A literary work is a satire when it A. finds fault. B’ humorously criticises to improve a situation. C. provokes
laughter. D. teaches a lesson for social improvement.
9. Foreshadowing is a device used to A’ prepare the reader for the direction a plot will take. B. introduce the plot.
C. shed light on events through background information. D. recall the past.
10. A mountain of fufu was placed before the hungry visitors. The device used above is A. hyperboleB. euphemism. C. alliteration. D. assonance.
11. The pattern of beats to denote movement in poetry is A. refrain. B. metre. C:. rhyme. D. scansion.
Read the extract and answer questions 12 and 13.
Here lies our sovereign Lord the King
Whose word no man relies on
Who never said a foolish thing
And never did a wise one.
12. The extract is an example of a/an A. dirge. B. epigrar. C. oxymoron. D. parody.
13. The tone of the extract is one of A. anger. B. pity. C. sarcasm. D. indifference.
14. A poem whose shape resembles the object described is a/an A. emblematic poem. B. romantic poem. C. elegy D. sonnet.
15. The omniscient narrator is A. all knowing. B. limited. C. realistic. D. always humorous.
16. Which of the following does not define a character? A. The way the character appears. B. What the character Is says. C’ What others say about the character. D. What the character does.
 17. A bard is a A. novelist. B. playwright. C. poet. D. narrator.
18. A literary work that vividly portrays life can be described as A. realistic. B. romantic. C. idealistic. D. surcastic.
19. Which of the following is not a type of play? A. Tragedy. B’ Tragic flaw. C. Comedy. D. Tragi-comedy.
20. The attitude of an author towards the subject matter is A. theme. B tone. C. style. D. setting.
Read the passage and answer quest ions 21 —25.
Each profession, intellectual or manual, deserves consideration, whether it requires painful physical effort or manual dexterity, wide knowledge or the patience of an ant. Ours, like that of the doctor, does not allow for any mistake. You don’t joke with life, and life is both body and mind. To warp a soul is as much a sacrilege as murder. Teachers  — at kindergarten level, as at university level — form a noble army accomplishing daily feats, never praised, never decorated. An army forever on the move, forever vigilant: an army without drums, without gleaming uniforms. This army, thwarting traps and snares, everywhere plants the flag of knowledge and morality.
21. The writer’s mood is that of A. excitement. B. optimism. C. indifference. D. frustration.
22. The writer of the passage is a A. doctor. B. soldier. C. teacher. D. student.
23. The dominant image in the passage is that of A. soldiery. B. medicine. D. religion. D. education.
24. The underlined illustrates A. antithesis. B. allusion. C. parallelism. D. parody.
25. “The flag of knowledge and morality’ illustrates A. euphemism. B. litotes. C. metaphor. D. metonymy.




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