The Reasons For Teaching Drama In Secondary Schools

Drama is representation of life, usually on a stage. Its essence is not to present a real event but a representation of a real or an imagined event. The element in representation that distinguishes the drama from other forms of art is impersonation, i.e. the assumption by human beings of personalities, characters, natures or entities other than their own. Action is another element of drama. The action may be physical (e.g change of status of relationship or circumstances), or psychological (e.g. change state of mind, emotion or intellectual attitude). As long as the action represented centers on impersonated character or entity, drama exist.

The Reasons For Teaching Drama In Secondary School:

1 Drama is taught in secondary schools to relate it to life by demonstrating how central action is to human experience and also to study the motives behind human actions

2 Drama is taught in secondary schools to examine the inter-relationship and difference between action in real life action in it, and demonstrate the difference between dramatic truth and truth in real life

3 Drama is taught in secondary schools to examine the difference between plot and story

4 Drama is taught in secondary schools to introduce and develop ‘acting’ in sketches

5 Drama is taught in secondary schools to analyze action as a means of demonstrating and understanding dramatic techniques: dialogue, scene development, soliloquy, symbolism, fore-shadowing, processions, chorus, prologues, movements, etc

6 Drama is taught in secondary schools to analyze action as a means of demonstrating and understanding dramatic structure (plot): exposition, climax, anticlimax, denouncement (resolution)

7 Drama is taught in secondary schools to analyze action as a means of demonstrating and understanding characterization: types of character, how to understand characters (what they say, what they do, and what others say about them

8 Drama is taught in secondary schools to analyze action as a means of demonstrating and understanding dramatic ironies both situational and verbal

9 Drama is taught in secondary schools to analyze action as a means of demonstrating and understanding setting (temporal which has to do with the era of the play and spatial which has to do with the setting on stage.
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