Summaries of 10 Play Written By Wole Soyinka

Wole Soyinka is a Nigerian playwright, poet, and essayist who is known for his contribution to African literature. Here is a brief summary of 10 plays written by Wole Soyinka:

1. The Swamp Dwellers (1958) is a play about a family living in a swampy area who experience a change of fortune and must confront their beliefs about tradition and progress.

2. The Lion and the Jewel (1959) is a play about a young woman named Sidi who is pursued by two men, Lakunle and Baroka, in a rural Nigerian village. The play explores the clash between traditional and modern values.

3. Kongi’s Harvest (1965) is a political satire set in a fictional African country that has just gained independence. The play explores the themes of power, corruption, and the struggle for freedom.

4. Death and the King’s Horseman (1975) is based on a true story and explores the conflict between traditional African beliefs and British colonialism. The play is set in 1943 Nigeria and centers around the ritual suicide of the king’s horseman.

5. Opera Wonyosi (1977) is a satirical play about a notorious thief and smuggler in a West African city who is elevated to the status of a folk hero. The play explores themes of corruption, greed, and power.

6. A Play of Giants (1984) is a political allegory that explores the themes of power, oppression, and injustice. The play is set in an imaginary country ruled by two dictators who are challenged by a group of rebels.

7. Requiem for a Futurologist (1985) is a play about a group of intellectuals who gather to mourn the death of a futurologist. The play explores the themes of science, technology, and the future.

8. From Zia, with Love (1992) is a political satire set in Nigeria in the late 1980s. The play explores themes of corruption, censorship, and the power of the media.

9. The Beatification of Area Boy (1995) is a play about a young man named Ahmed who becomes a gang leader in the slums of Lagos. The play explores themes of poverty, violence, and the search for identity.

10. King Baabu (2001) is a political satire set in an imaginary African country ruled by a corrupt and incompetent dictator named Baabu. The play explores themes of power, corruption, and the struggle for democracy.


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