If you're looking for quick and easy book summaries online, there are several websites and resources you can explore. Commenter website has come up with few options for the quick…
Commenter website has come up with the list of 5 best book summary apps for android in this year; it must be noted that this list is based on personal…
Hello to my readers, commenter website is going to discuss the experience of Laye at school in Kouroussa according to the novel "the African Child" by Camara Laye. In the…
It's time to discuss how Pokuwa coped with tradition in the novel "A Woman In Her Prime" by Asare Konadu. In the novel "A Woman in Her Prime" by Asare…
Commenter website has come up with a brief summary and the text of the poem titled "My Song" by Kofi Anyidoho. My Song by Kofi Anyidoho is a poem that…
Hello readers, commenter website has deemed it fit to examine the 3 Major themes in the poem Dry Your Tears Africa by Bernard Daddie. 1. Colonialism and its Effects: OneĀ of…
In this article, commenter website will be relating the background of the poet William Blake to the poem "the Schoolboy" William Blake was a British poet, painter, and printmaker born…
Here, commenter website will be examining the attitude of Robert Frost to the theme of nature in the poem "Birches" Robert Frost had a very positive attitude towards the theme…
The Song of the Women of My Land is a poem by Oumar Farouk Sesay that explores the complexities of the female experience in Africa. The poem is a lyrical…
"Look Back in Anger" is a play written by John Osborne, which premiered in 1956. It is considered one of the most influential British plays of the 20th century and…