Recommended WASSCE Literature-in-English Texts for 2026-2030
Shakespearean Text
Antony and Cleopatra
African Prose
1. Pede Hollist: So the Path Does not Die
2. Elma Shaw: Redemption Road
Non-African Prose
1. Harper Lee: To Kill a Mocking Bird
2. Susanne Bellefeuille: Path to Lucas: The Journey He Endured
African Drama
1. Bosede Ademilua-Afolayan: Once Upon an Elephant
2. Efua Sutherland: The Marriage of Anansewa
Non-African Drama
1. J.D Priestly: An Inspector Calls
2. Robert Bolt: A Man for all Seasons
African Poetry
1. Gabriel Okara: Once Upon a Time
2. Elizabeth L.A Kamara: New Tongue
3. Wole Soyinka: Night
4. Niyi Osundare: Not my Business
5. S.O.H Afriyie-Vidza: Hearty Garlands
6. Syl Cheney-Coker: The Breast of the Sea
Non-African Poetry
1. Lord Bryon: She Walks in Beauty
2. Geoffrey Chaucer: The Nun’s Priest’s Tale (shortened)
3. Seamus Heaney: Digging
4. Maya Angelou: Still I Rise
5. Fleur Adcock: The Telephone Call
6. Wilfred Wilson Gipson: The Stone